Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Photo of Day by Moi

My photo titled - What Did The Big Box Say To The Little Box? was picked as photo of the day by Londonist today :) Small things like this brings a smile to my face :)

Sunday, 21 March 2010

3 miles in 35minutes

Two months ago a friend and I thought it would be a good idea to enter into a charity run. I for one had never done such a thing before and thought why not. The training took a little time to get started, but managed to do at least two days of exercise per week (could have done a little more). As the weeks speeded by, the realisation of was in store had started to sink in. Nevertheless, here I am writing this post clearly having completed the run. I'm proud to say we managed to do the run in 35minutes - not bad for a first timer. Below, are some photos from today.

Started the morning with a healthy breakfast

Having completed the run, watching others doing their run

Yummy spicy ramen for lunch

Shared yummy slices of coffee and walnut cake; and chiffon lemon cake with friends at Konditor & Cook

I did it! - My first medal

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Highlights from February | 10

Highlights from February included going on a walking expedition (thanks to google maps) to find the Design Museum. It was my first visit and I thoroughly enjoyed myself walking around the Brit Insurance Designs of the Year.

A lovely winter's day walking around

1. Valentine's Day - It was as bad as thought it was going to be - Hollywood studios sometimes really get love wrong, 2. A Single Man - A beautiful, poignant film, with heartbreakingly good performances from both Colin Firth and Julianne Moore, 3. Youth in Revolt - a quirky, funny coming of age film, 4. The Wolfman - great gothic visuals, but that's all film it had going for it (I'm being polite) and 5. Micmacs - from the director of Amelia and billed as being equally quirky, but unfortunately it wasn't so....

I also managed to catch the

Where Three Dreams Cross: 150 Years of Photography from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

Monday, 8 March 2010

Urban Art

Walking around in Shoreditch minding my own business, and came across some interesting and colourful sights...